Workshop: Living labs: a boost for the young talents and sustainability skills at your HE institution

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Sara Gilissen
Co-Author Sara Gilissen Ann Reulens
Description Can Living labs change the world? Can students become change agents? Will design thinking enhance transformative education? In 22-23 we have cocreated 30 Living labs with students and stakeholders in our European consortium. The Living labs focused on 3 themes: Circular economy, Well being/active aging, the human contribution to AI. Students are challenged to enhance their future skills and discover their own talents, as well as to develop regional sustainable solutions for a circular economy. In this workshop we will share our experiences, lessons learned and impact on the students, as well as practice design thinking, cocreation and evaluation methods in order to implement and transfer it to other institutions. We will reflect on the challenges, outcomes and scenarios how to integrate this in Higher education curriculum. In the workshop participants will discuss on further developments and opportunities to develop students’ transformative learning. Inspire each other on future trends and opportunities.
Topic Co-creative, transformative learning environments
Format Action atelier