Workshop: How to acquire Future Skills within student life cycles? The necessity of curricular adjustments – from mission statements for teaching to practical implementation on the basis of ‘ESD key competences’
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Alexandra Wolf |
Co-Author | Dr. Josefa Scalisi & Alexandra Wolf |
Description | Based on a short introduction of our inter- and transdisciplinary module “Introduction to Sustainable Development” for all our first-semester students of the bachelor´s degrees, we would like to discuss with the participants what it means to train change agents as a university and how to enable to acquire Future Skills within the student life cycle (SLC). On the basis of the education for sustainable development and the Doughnut Economics, the aim is to work on a study model for an exemplary inter- and transdisciplinary approach. We will also address the challenges of implementing inter- and transdisciplinary teaching formats in higher education. By means of creative methods, solutions are jointly developed and discussed. With the help of the SLC model, the participants can develop and visualize (competency) models and future skills for the different study cohorts/semesters. The group should actively engage in action and exchange and learn from the examples of others. Therefore the Eberswalde study model, which is currently being developed, can serve as a first orientation. |
Topic | Co-creative, transformative learning environments |
Format | Action atelier |
Bio | Alexandra studied International Forest Ecosystem Management (B.Sc.) and Sustainable Tourism Management (M.A.) (both at HNEE) with the focus on the concept of Commons in the tourism industry and their influence on tourism product development. She worked in the central quality management for studies and teaching since 2015 with responsibilities regarding innovative teaching and learning projects and implementation on peer-to-peer project workshops (from students for students). Since 2019 she is Advisor to the Vice President for studies and teaching with a focus on the university's strategy process, particularly with regard to the development of a mission statement for teaching concerning education for sustainable development and related project development. |