Workshop: Higher education summit contribution service learning
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Kathia Reynders |
Co-Author | Kathia Reynders |
Description | Service-learning is an innovative pedagogical proposal that sets the stage for a transformative learning environment. Join us as we explore how to design this learning environment so that both the student on an individual level, as well as a benefitted group on a societal level, is able to fully tap into the transformative potential of this pedagogy. |
Topic | Co-creative, transformative learning environments |
Format | Action atelier |
Bio | Kathia Reynders studied Business Administration, specialized in International Relations with a great interest in sustainability, obtained a teacher’s degree and continued studies in Environment and Natural Resources, and Christianity and Society. She taught Economics in secondary and in higher education, and organized workshops and professionalization for secondary teachers in the field of Economics and Entrepreneurship. She now works at the KU Leuven, where she facilitates the process of institutionalization of service-learning in several HEIs in Belgium and France. |