Workshop: The 6e model for getting sustainability into the economics curriculum

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Sam de Pape
Co-Author Sam de Pape Cathy Macharis
Description Do you want to implement more sustainability into the curriculum but you don't know where to start? Or have you encountered some obstacles or resistance? Or did you already, successfully implement sustainability into the curriculum and want to voice your process? Feel free to join the workshop!
Topic Rethink the (economics) curriculum
Format Action atelier
Bio Sam de Pape obtained her Master of Science in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen at the VUB, with a thesis focussing on circular economy in the port of Zeebrugge. She co-authored on "An inside out perspective on stakeholder management in university technology transfer offices". At the moment she's a teaching assistent to the courses Sustainable Mobility and Logistics and Decision Support for Sustainability, under supervision of professor Cathy Macharis and professor Philippe Lebeau. In addition, she's pursuing a second master's in organizational psychology.